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When it comes to Chanel logo earrings, replicas abound as is true with most any brand of popular designer jewelry or clothing these days. Replicas are fine for the lady who wants to dress up an outfit on the cheap. Fakes are less expensive and sparkle nicely, but there’s always that little voice whispering in your ear when a friend or passerby stops to admire your earrings that reminds you that they may be aware that they are not authentic. Why suffer unnecessarily with low self esteem when you can buy real Chanel earrings for such inexpensive prices online? Yes, I would buy used before I would buy fakes.
There are a few things to watch for to be sure that you are getting your money’s worth. You don’t want to pay the current price of a pair of authentic Chanel logo earrings only to receive and be disappointed by a pair of fake Chanel CC logo earrings. Here are some tips to be sure that you get what you pay for:
- If you are purchasing your jewelry through an online auction, choose a reputable seller who sells designer brands on a regular basis with a high number of satisfied customers.
- Request pictures of the backs to be certain that the Oval Chanel Stamp is visible.
- Request a tag, a Chanel box and receipt from the store where they were originally purchased
1 comment:
Hey there,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Great Blog!! I personally loved your
pics .... Must admit you have a great sense of style. Keep up the good
work.I have enjoyed reading your blog and thought of dropping in a word …
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Please let me know if you would be interested.
Barbara and Ellen
The Gals at SoHo
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